Instructions on How to Perform Agnihotra – (Download PDF)
There are vibrations that exist everywhere. It is only resonance when you go into it. Where there is sound there is also resonance. When we do these Mantras, the sounds we utter activate healing resonance, beneficially impacting the atmosphere and the desired results are realized. Sanskrit is pure, unadulterated sound. It is the vibration of the thing referred to. Sanskrit does not have any words borrowed from any other language.
- Agnaye Swáhá Agnaye Idam Na Mama (Add the first portion of rice and ghee mixture directly after Swáhá)
- Prajápataye Swáhá Prajápataye Idam Na Mama (Add the second portion of rice directly after Swáhá)
- Sooryáya Swáhá Sooryáya Idam Na Mama (Add the first portion of rice and ghee mixture directly after Swáhá)
- Prajápataye Swáhá Prajápataye Idam Na Mama (Add the second portion of rice directly after Swáhá)
Please note:
For Agnihotra and other Homas in Homa Therapy use only dried cow dung and pure cows ghee as ingredients.
No use of camphor or other lighting aids are used other than matches or the aid of a bees wax candle.