Agnihotra Ash and Water Soluble Phosphates

Dr. Tung Ming Lai, Denver, Colorado USA

EXPERIMENT : 0.10 g. of ash was shaken with 25 ml. of water for forty-eight hours and then the water soluble phosphate content was measured. The same amount of ash was shaken with two different soils (5 g.) from Colorado (also 25 ml. of water) and phosphate content was measured after forty-eight hours of being shaken. The results are as follows.
The non-Agnihotra ash was produced with the same ingredients in the same copper vessel as Agnihotra ash. The only difference was the non-Agnihotra ash was not produced at sunrise or sunset, and no mantras were chanted.
(All growing plants need phosphorus; however, regardless of how much fertilizer phosphate is added to the soil, only the water soluble portion can be utilized by the plant. On an average, only about five percent of the phosphorus in conventional chemical fertilizers is water soluble. That which is not water-soluble builds up in the soil creating imbalance.)